The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities Book Review

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The Cursed Carnival cover

Overall rating: Four stars

Calamity Juice by Carlos Hernandez: This story definitely should be your starting place. When Gladis goes missing Sal and Gabi are in for another adventure this time filled with unicorn puke.

Rating: Five stars

Beware the Grove of True Love by Roshani Chokshi: Urvashi sends Aru, Bynne and Mini on a quest to retrieve items for her but along the way the trio end up wandering into a Grove of True Love, whilst there they help transform a lost romance.

Rating: Five stars

I would recommend reading the first two Aru Shah books before reading this short story.

The Cave Of Doom by J.C. Cervantes: After a review is posted online, Zane and Brooks go to discover a cave close by, whilst there they discover an otherworldly being.

Rating: Five stars

The Initiation by Yoon Ha Lee: Set after the end of Dragon Pearl this story follows Min (pronounced Meen) and her brother Jun (Joon) on a training mission.

Rating for this story: Three stars

The Gum Baby Files by Kwame Mbalia: This story is told from the point of view of everyone’s favorite (and slightly annoying) character Gum Baby. This story is set somewhere between the first and second Tristan Strong books, I don’t think it is necessary to read the Tristan Strong books before reading this short story.

Rating for this story: Five stars

The Demon Drum by Rebecca Roanhorse: In this story Nizhoni and her friends head to the annual pow-wow indigenous celebration but whilst there strange things start to happen that only Nizhoni can see. It is not necessary to read Race to the Sun before reading this short story.

Rating: Five stars

Bruto and the Freaky Flower by Tehlor Kay Mejia: Set after the first Paola Santiago book this short story is centered around Bruto who mysteriously falls ill leaving Paola to go in search of a special magical flower.

Rating for this story: Three stars

I think I would have enjoyed this story more had I read Poala Santiago and the River of Tears.

The Loneliest Demon by Sarwat Chadda: Set directly after City of the Plague God this story follows Rabisu a demon who was forgotten, and is now relying upon, Sikander to help her find her way back to the underworld.

After Nergal was destroyed everyone was convinced that all of his demons returned home, but for Rabisu the gates closed before she could even make it back, now she entrusts the help of Sikander and with a magical ring that may be the key to opening that gateway it seems like Rabisu might return home anyway, but trouble is in the way.

I recommend reading City of the Plague God before you read this story.

Rating: Four stars

My Night at the Gifted Carnival by Graci Kim: This story acts as a prequel giving us fresh new insight into Riley Oh’s life before the start of The Last Fallen Star.

Ever year Riley along with her sister Hattie visit the Gifted Carnival, a place where all the gifted clans come to celebrate and have fun. When Hattie disappears for a few seconds and does not return Riley starts to worry and soon discovers a trail left by Hattie leaving the two to discover a deadly ghost has been capturing the children.

Rating for this story: Five Stars

It is not necessary to read The Last Fallen Star before reading this short story as this is a prequel.

My life As A Child Outlaw by Rick Riordan: This short story is Rick’s first intro to Irish mythology. It follows eight year old Demne (pronounced Dev-nah) after he escapes an attack at his home, he fleas and decides to find his own way journeying with the clan Morna and Fiacail (Fee-uh-kull) the reaver (an assassin). Lot’s of traversing in this short story which I preferred more than the Lost Hero, but it still wasn’t my favorite Rick Riordan short story, hence the four star rating.

Rating for this Story: 4 stars

Published by Book Bragger

Hi i'm Darcy and I'm 16 year old writer currently living in Sandhurst England my short story as part of SOS Sagas: Trapped- Danger Within came out February 19 2021. I love reading and I want to share this love with my viewers. I would like people to know about a book they've never heard of, and that's what this blog is about, so pick up that book and start reading!

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